The Linear Drain Blog | Your Source For Linear Drain Education

With an increase in popularity there are many linear shower drains manufactured worldwide. This wide variety of options can become overwhelming and even paralyzing. Additionally, not all linear drains are created equal. Whether you're a home owner exploring your options, a DIY enthusiast or a licensed contractor, you deserve to understand the benefits to using a linear drain, and how to make an educated decision in choosing the right drain for your project. After guiding thousands of people to a successful linear drain solution, we’ve put together some easy and helpful information for you on our blog.


4 Benefits to a linear shower drain

Considering a linear shower drain? Check out these benefits!


What Type Of WaterProofing Can I use?

You have a lot of waterproofing options with our drain. Our customers have installed our drain with the following types of waterproofing…


Where Should I install my drain?

Perhaps one of the most important questions! We are happy to talk with you about your ideas and share our insights…


How Long Should My Linear Drain Be?

This depends on a few things. Based on your answers to a few questions, we can offer you some good recommendations…